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Library services

Access to resources

The Medical library provides access to a wide range of books, journals, magazines and online resources. You can find, which books you can borrow in the library catalog UKAŽ.

And it is not only textbooks for passing exams, we offer much more. You can find in our library: clinical guides, medical dictionaries, atlases, books on medical imaging modalities, case reports, alternative medicine, sport and rehabilitation books and lots more. It is located in free access area and there are over 30 000 items.

Are paper books for you boring? Use our databases, you can choose hundreds of e-books and e-articles or factografic database to improve your knowledge. The Medical Library collections involve textbooks, monographs, journals, theses and the electronic resources of books, journals, and bibliographic databases. The library also has a historical collection of medical books and magazines from the turn of the 19th and 20th century.

Last change: June 26, 2024 08:54 
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Medical Library

Faculty of Medicine

Na Hradě street, 91

Hradec Králové 50003


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