• Navigator


  • Clinical Key StudentClinical Key Student

    ClinicalKey Student is a platform for medical students. The database provides access to many medical textbooks, scientific images and educational videos. You must register with your email address to access.

  • Thieme MedOne EducationThieme MedOne Education

    Thieme MedOne Education is a collection of e-books from Thieme Publishing - nursing and medical textbooks, atlases and books.

  • Ebsco e-book collection

    EBSCO eBooks is an interface for database EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, which contains many eBooks from many publishers and many topics. Here you will find e-books from Karolinum Publishing.

  • UpToDate

    UpToDate is one of the greatest knowledge information resources for Evidence-Based Medicine. The database can provide rapid answers to clinical questions and synthetic recommendations for patient care and treatment.


    Amboss is a factual portal, you will find an interactive library and tests for teaching medicine. It is available to students in grades 3-6. year of the field of General Medicine.

  • Karger Fast Facts

    Karger Fast Facts is a collection of online guides for doctors, nurses and medical students. Each of the guides contains evidence, the essentials of diagnosis, treatment and patient care in a concise and clear form.

  • Medline Complete

    Medline Complete is a full-text database for scientific research and medical studies. You can find the most important biomedical scientific journals.

  • Scopus

    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

  • Web of Science

    Web of Science is an international bibliographic and citation database in which you can search and evaluate scientific works according to parameters: citations, authors or impact factor of the journal.

  • Journal Citation Reports

    Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides a qualitative assessment of scientific journals based on citation responses. This add-on to the Web of Science database is a resource for obtaining bibliometric indicators such as impact factor.

Last change: July 3, 2024 10:58 
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