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Study rooms

We offer a peaceful atmosphere where students can concentrate on their studiues with minimal distractions. There are study spaces, study areas or private study rooms, where you can work individually or in groups. The Medical library provides not only computers but internet access too (Eduroam net), which is essential for students who need to complete online assignments, research papers, or work on projects.You can use a vast collection of e-books, e-journals, and the other online resources via login CAS.

The latest news is the group study room, which can be a great place to collaborate with classmates or form study groups, which can help students learn from each other and stay motivated. The students can reserve this study room only for for the needs of their study group through this form.

In the Medical library are available computers or printers, which students may need fot their assignments or projects. Computer labs are located in the Medical library (Na Hradě 91) with more than 80 study places and in the Educational Centre (University Hospital). The study room of Educational Centre can offer the latest issues of medical journals for the past year and and a smaller amount of books to study for in-house loan.

Please note that the opening hours have changed in the summer.

Medical Library study room and Computer lab


Group study room

MON-FRI 9 AM - 5:45 PM

Study places in the Lending department


Educational Center: Study room and Computer lab

MON-FRI 7:30 AM-10 PM, weekends 10 AM-10 PM

Last change: June 28, 2024 10:19 
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Medical Library

Faculty of Medicine

Na Hradě street, 91

Hradec Králové 50003


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